Friday, October 23, 2015

Fall is in the Air!

The kids are so excited about the fall season and can't wait for Halloween.  Over the last few weeks, we have made a Mummy project, completed a Frankenstein writing, and created a fall color the sum sheet in math.  Today the kids wrote a sentence about what I should be for Halloween and drew me in that costume! They turned out great!  We are really looking forward to Pumpkin Math on Tuesday.  Thank you so much for all the donations of paper towels, muffin liners, and newspaper.  Next week will conclude with our annual Halloween parade and party on Friday!

Your children performed in a reader's theater for the class today.  They read their lines fluently and with such enthusiasm.  They are becoming such confident readers.  Ask them to tell you about what part they played in "Old MacDonald's Noisy Farm."  We will have reader's theater every three weeks as part of our Benchmark Literacy curriculum.  The kids are really looking forward to our next script.  You can see all of our actors and actresses below!  Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Fire Prevention Assembly! Blog Bonus!

The Canonsburg and North Strabane fire departments visited today.  They shared important information about fire safety.  The students practiced stop, drop, and roll as well as recited the emergency number 911. 
The firefighters got in full gear and shook hands with the students.  

As a blog bonus, your child should draw the escape route they would take to get out of your home in case of emergency.  They should also write a sentence telling where your safe place to meet would be such as a close neighbor's mailbox or tree.  Any student that chooses to complete the bonus and turns it in by October 12th will be rewarded with a dime for their bank!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


It was great meeting all of you at Open House!  The kids were so excited to show off their work!  If you are hearing "nothing" from your child when you ask what they did at school, then the following talking points may help!

Ask Me About...
  • Filling the fish bowl and earning extra recess
  • Getting ready to shop at the class store on Friday
  • Beginning our study of weather for science
  • Using monster fingers to track our reading 

Thursday, September 17, 2015


Thank you so much for coming in!!  The kids have been so excited to show you our classroom and their work.  I am certain you will be amazed by what they are accomplishing!

As a blog bonus... Tonight, after you have visited for Open House, write to me letting me know your favorite part of the night. Was it seeing South Central? Meeting Mrs. Tomicek? Seeing all of your students' hard work? Hearing your child explain their school/desk/routine? :)

Write me a note, send me an email, write in the agenda - and let me know your favorite part! When I see it, I will reward your child with 3 pennies for their coin bank!!

And please - let me know if you have any questions or concerns after tonight as well!  THANK YOU AGAIN SO MUCH FOR COMING!!  Your support is so appreciated.


Mrs. Glivic

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


We are so excited to shop at the book fair tomorrow.  If you are sending money with your child, please put it in an envelope with your child's name written on it.  The book fair will also be open during our Open House on Thursday evening from 6:00-8:00.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Blog Bonus!!

As an incentive to check our blog I will occasionally post a bonus assignment.  Any student that chooses to complete the assignment will receive three pennies for their bank! This "blog bonus" is for your child to write and illustrate a sentence to tell me what they like best about first grade!  This can be done on any type of paper.  I can't wait to hear what they have to say!!  The bonus is due by September 8th.  Have a great night!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Hello families!  As we begin to get into our homework routines, please know the guideline for first graders is about ten minutes a night.  If homework is greatly exceeding the ten minute guideline, please have your child stop. Write me a note in the agenda so I can help at school.  Homework is meant to reinforce our lessons at school, not cause frustration.  It is my goal that these assignments are meaningful and aid in the mastery of first grade skills.  

Tomorrow night your child will bring home a take home reader.  Please have your child read the book to you and then sign the cover.  For every signature your child gets, he/she will earn a penny.  I tell the kids that they can even read to their pets!!  HAPPY READING!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

"Ask Me About..."

Occasionally I will post a list of events that are happening in our class.  These "Ask Me About" items are a great way to get the conversations started about your child's day at school.  My own three kids will often reply, "NOTHING," when I ask what they did at school.  Hopefully if you get the same response, "Ask Me About" can help!!  Let's give it a try.

*Magic Playdoh
*My bank and pennies
*The playground we visit for recess
*Our calendar marble run

Week One

Hello parents, families and friends!  Our first graders have been hard at work this week and have been so busy! We are getting to know each other and learning to work together.  Highlights so far have been going to our first art class with Mrs. Trovato, an assembly with Mrs. Tomicek, and of course playing outside for recess!!

I have loved meeting my little learners and am already so proud of the work they are accomplishing.  They all did a fantastic job writing about what they hope to learn in first grade and their illustrations will melt your hearts!  I can't wait to show off their projects at Open House on Thursday, September 17.  I am also looking forward to meeting all of you then!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Welcome to First Grade!

Room 108 is really great! On this blog you will find updates on our class.  I am so excited to work with you to make this year a wonderful learning experience for your child.  If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at

Mrs. Glivic